Ways to save when shopping for groceries

shopping for groceries

Cutting our grocery bill is something we all want to do. Thankfully, it’s easy to do just that!

Online supermarket shopping is perfect for saving money. You can keep track of how much you’re spending while you shop – this is usually not possible when you’re actually in a supermarket. Also, it helps you cut down on impulse shopping, a major budget buster for shoppers. As you can’t see all the tempting products on the shelves, you can stick to your shopping list. You might have to pay a delivery fee, but factor in overall savings, as well as petrol and time saved, and give online shopping a go.

Never shop on an empty stomach! Hunger will drive you to buy food you just don’t need and will blow out your bill accordingly. Shop after meals if you can, and while you’re doing so, try home-brand or generic brand products. Buy at least one or two every time you shop as a cost-cutting experiment. Many generic products come from the same place as the full-priced versions, so you could be surprised.

Some final tips include getting to know your local supermarket and when they usually put out their “reduced to clear” items. These items are often perishable items which can be frozen for later use. Don’t forget to shop around – do it online, and you’ll discover that when your preferred item isn’t on special at one supermarket, it probably is at another one. Finally, if you have kids, try and leave them at home with a babysitter. Kids in trolleys are very demanding and want all the treats they see…those treats are usually expensive!

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